Educational Outcome Options

Outcomes are explained in Chapter 8 of the Code of Student Academic Integrity. A summary of potential outcomes are below:

Outcomes for Informal Resolutions

  • Written Warning: Official documentation conveying to the Student that their behavior was unacceptable and that any future violation of the Code may result in more severe action, including Suspension, or Expulsion. It is the presumption that in any Academic Misconduct a written warning would be provided;
  • Resubmission of Academic Exercise: with or without grade penalty;
  • Reduced Academic Exercise Grade: including “F” if undergraduate Student and “U” for graduate Student;
  • Reduced Course Grade: including “F” if undergraduate Student and “U” for graduate Student; and/or
  • Educational Outcomes: to help Students learn from their decisions and reflect on what they want to get out of the University experience. Educational Outcomes include, but are not limited to:
    • Writing Resource Center Workshop – Focuses on how to synthesize source material, goes into the “why” behind why giving credit to sources are important, and gives practical tools/education to do so.
    • EndNote Workshop with Atkins Library – Teaches students how to use EndNote which is a bibliographic citation management software.
    • Personal Academic Consultations (PACs) with the University Center for Academic Excellence (UCAE) – Helps students develop time management and communication skills, study habits, and other relevant academic skill-building topics.
    • ​Decision Making Workshop – Facilitated by Student Accountability & Conflict Resolution, this is an interactive workshop focused on responsible decision-making and personal values.

*Please note, Outcomes prohibiting students from enrolling in future course work with a specific person or department is not permitted.

Outcomes for Facilitated Resolutions & Formal Resolutions

Outcomes include all of the options available through an Informal Resolution. In addition, a Facilitated Resolution or Formal Resolution (Hearing) may sanction:

  • Academic Integrity Probation: A status in which the student is deemed not to be in good disciplinary standing with the University for a definite period of time not less than the remainder of the semester in which the Academic Integrity Probation is imposed. Academic Integrity Probation does not affect the Student’s academic standing and is not notated on the Student’s academic transcript.
  • Suspension: Separation from the University for a period no less than the remainder of the current semester.
  • Grade Reduction with a Notation on a Transcript: The grade of “F” for an undergraduate student or “U” for a graduate student for the course with a notation of “X” on the academic transcript indicating that the notation is a result of academic misconduct.

In severe cases of academic misconduct, a Hearing Panel may sanction the following through a Formal Resolution:

  • Expulsion: Permanent separation from the University.
  • Post-Enrollment/Post Graduation Outcomes: Revocation of any degree awarded; temporary or permanent withholding of the diploma or transcript for any degree, regardless of whether the degree has been awarded; and/or having an outcome(s) imposed as a condition of re-enrollment at the University.